The Obstacle Course
Recently a friend of mine was telling me about his twenty something daughter who just completed the Tough Mudder Challenge in Toronto.
Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses of hills, mud, water, ropes, walls, electric shocks, and fire designed to push the participant to the limit. The obstacle course was created by British Special Forces to test one’s all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. The organizers encourage team work and many obstacles are designed to be very difficult to complete alone.
This is not for the faint of heart and as you can imagine my friend’s daughter did some extensive training to prepare. As my friend shared some of the challenges I was vacillating between intrigue and repulsion. “Well she made it, thank God”, he said with air of relief in his voice.
Later that same day I met with a broken hearted mom who was sharing some of the challenges her teenage son was facing.
“This is not the same world I grew up in”, she wept, “He is being exposed to things we never saw, never heard of, and I am not a naive person. I don’t remember these kinds of challenges growing up. I don’t know how to help him.”
Some challenges we take on and others are thrust upon us but in either case we need to prepare and we don’t need to go through it alone.
Life is like an obstacle course. The interesting thing about obstacle courses is that they are meant to be completed. They are not designed for failure – but for success. Challenging? Yes. Impossible? No. Check out Romans 12:1-3
But like an athlete we need to prepare our body, mind and soul.
One way to do that is in a circle! Together... in a circle, doing life together. Cheering each other on, opening scripture together, praying together and figuring out how to fill the gap between life and the truth. We want that for you, we want that for our young people.
This Thursday night Mike Gordon will be leading the youth in a 3 week series with the focus of preparing them to deal with the tough stuff of life.
Then on Sunday morning you will get to hear Mike as he brings the word! Please encourage the young person in your life to join Mike on Thursday Oct 3 at 7pm and then again on Sunday morning (and have them bring a friend), you and they will be glad you did.
In fact, why don’t you join us at 6 pm for dinner and Messy Church, the youth can then join Mike in the Sanctuary. It will be a great night for the entire family. Let’s do life together.
A little about Mike Gordon...
Mike was born and raised in Toronto sporting the fake PUMPs and mushroom cut as a child. After spending years walking the broad road in high school, he came to Christ in Mexico right before he graduated. After getting his first taste of ministry as a summer intern, he knew God was calling him to commit his life to serving God. Looking like a crazy man, he bailed on studying business so he could dedicate his life to ministry. Over the years, he started The Rock House Ministries where he has planted or reshaped a dozen ministries under this title. He is also an international speaker, speaking close to 800 times over the years using his humor, stories and unique style to share Jesus to this broken world. Mike is focused on the speaking side of ministry full-time as he finishes up writing his first book called "Life".