5 Ways to Stop Worrying
When I was little I was terrified of sleeping in my own room. I remember being so afraid that there was something lurking in the shadows or that someone was going to climb through the open window (even though my bedroom was on the second floor and no balcony in sight!). I would start off in my bed every night and at some point I would end up in the safety of my mom’s bed. I have no idea how I managed to get across the hallway from my bedroom to hers! I was so worried that someone or something was going to get me.
Eventually I grew up and got over my irrational fear of shadows in the night... but when I think about it, even today when we begin to worry, isn’t it the same? Worrying about things that aren’t even there!
Now as an adult there are plenty of things to think about; education, jobs, finances, relationships, all of which are important and yet the bible makes it pretty clear that we are not to worry.
Last week we looked at a passage from Matthew 6: 26- 27 where Jesus says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
I love this... I love that God loves me MORE than the birds.
Jesus goes on, Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Nope, right? Right.
If you struggle with the issue of worry in your life you are not alone!
So, here are 5 things you can do to help stop worrying:
1. Think differently. Worrying involves your thought life. What we think about matters. The apostle Paul gives us a clue on how to think in Phil 4:6-8. Be sure to read the whole verse but you will recall verse 8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.”
2. Pray: This might seem simplistic but please don’t underestimate the power of prayer. The Bible tells us to pray instead of worry... so pray and then consider the matter in God’s hands. You might want to start a prayer journal. It’s easy, just write down what’s on your mind in the form of a prayer and give those worries to God.
3. Do something constructive. Instead of sitting around and thinking about the topic, go do something. Ride a bike. Read a book. Listen to music. Do that chore you’ve been putting off.
4. Talk to someone about it. Share your burden with someone you trust. This can get the worry off your chest while having someone else to help you with it.
5. Obey. Jesus said “do not worry”. Check out Matthew 6:24-34! Trusting God to handle our concerns is a faith issue. You are putting your faith in an amazing and faithful God. A God who loves you unconditionally. Remember what we said together last Sunday? “God loves me more than the birds!”
Join us on Sunday as we look at part two of this series. Also don’t forget to bring you Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes to church on Sunday. The boxes will be dedicated and sent off to South America. Thank you so much for participating in this project!