Doubting is Natural?
Today is a very special day for the Scrivens’. Twenty years ago Tyler was born!
Birthdays are a big deal in our house. It is actually a long tradition – my mom used to make a big deal about my birthday too. I thought it was because I was an only child and I was just-that-special! But I soon discovered that the celebration was as much for her as it was for me. “After all”, she reminds me, “I did all the work”. Today, as a mom, I understand my mother’s sentiment. It was a pretty spectacular day when we received nothing short of a gift from God when Tyler came into our lives. I remember it so clearly. And you know what? I did all the work!! So today we celebrate.
To be completely honest, when I was expecting Tyler I doubted that I had the ability to love another child. Emily was the center of our universe and I didn’t think my heart was big enough to love two children as completely as I loved one. I doubted that there would be enough love. Imagine. Then when I saw that adorable face it was as though my heart doubled in size. My doubts were unwarranted.
Doubting is natural. In fact, in scripture tells us in, Luke 7: 18-23, that John the Baptist asked a question that may be interpreted as doubt. John the Baptist! I love this scripture because it reminds me that even John, whom Jesus described as “no one greater”, questioned.
But what is most comforting is how Jesus responds. God is not offended, or angry by the question of this faithful believer, but rather confronts John’s doubts in three ways:
- Through other believers (vv 18-22);
- Through signs (vv 21-23); and
- Through His spoken word (vv 22-23).
If you have ever questioned or doubted, know you are not alone. There are times in our lives when circumstances or our own insecurities may cause us to doubt where God is in our lives. But be reminded that the Lord Jesus Christ understands, and if you are open to seeing and hearing and being in His presence, He will confront your doubts with the reminder that He is with you. In good times and bad, He is here!
As we continue in this season of Lent, be encouraged!
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8)
This Sunday we have a special guest joining us, Rev. Jeffrey Crawford, who is the Youth Ministry Consultant for the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Jeff will share the message and together we will administer the sacrament of communion. I am so looking forward to worshipping together with Jeff and you, this Sunday!