Do doggies go to heaven?
This week has been a difficult week in the Scrivens’ home. This week we said goodbye to Bailey, our beloved 14 year old Yorkshire Terrier.
Saying goodbye was one of the most difficult things we have had to do. Bailey was a part of our family. She knew us, loved us, tried to please us, and we knew and loved her.
I knew that Bailey was not well when her routines changed. She would normally greet me every morning waiting to start the day. But over the last few months she wasn’t able to make the climb up the stairs. The other day she stood by the backyard door, looking bewildered instead of in charge. She didn’t want to go for her regular swims at the cottage and she even turned down fishing. Bailey’s health deteriorated quickly but she kept her tail wagging and her ears up, and in doing so, she kept my hopes up too.
It was clear, though, that she was losing weight. I could feel her shoulder blades and spine and she had lost so much of her glorious hair. I bought new kinds of dog food but at the end she almost seemed apologetic when she couldn't eat it; looking at me with her glassy eyes in a plea for understanding.
Her suffering was a hard thing to watch. She was alone in it, as all creatures, human or animal, are alone in their pain. But I marveled at how she expected no special treatment. She didn't pity herself. She just went along as best she could and when she found that it was somehow not working very well, she made her own adjustments as unobtrusively as she could. The supreme object of her life was to see that her people were happy.
This gentle, little creature was formed by the hand that formed me.
I am sad. We are all sad to have lost such a wonderful companion, but I am thankful for such a gift of grace. Bailey was a gift to me in so many ways. Bailey was there in the sorrow of my father’s illness, when life was gloomy and difficult -- a loving, sweet distraction from the reality of sickness and death.
The Bible doesn’t speak specifically of the destiny of animals, but Paul expresses his hope for all creatures in Romans 8: 18-21
That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens. (the Message)
The reality is that we do not know what God is going to do with all of creation. We only have hints of what God is going to do with us. It's a lesson in trust, isn't it? Can we trust the God who made our little tri-coloured Yorkie? Can we trust God to do things far more wonderful than our wildest imagination? Can we accept the mysteries, knowing that we can’t even begin to understand them? We may not know or understand all things but we can know the ONE who does.
Join us on Sunday when we continue our two-part series entitled: Even when it doesn’t make sense...TRUST!
I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!