World Kindness Day, really? Ugh.
Did you know that there is a “World Kindness Day”? Yup, November 13, 2014 is World Kindness Day and I’ll be honest, when I stumbled on this, I became profoundly uncomfortable. Not because I think there is anything wrong with being kind and generous, it was more the idea that we need to set aside a day for it! The site that I stumbled on even had a list of “10 Fun Ways” to be kind. Check it out. (I hope you, like me, do a lot of what’s on this list naturally, without even thinking about it.)
I suppose my real “uncomfortableness” was wondering how this designated day to kindness was different from every other day? Are we mean to others 364 days of the year and then on November 13th bring out the smiles, hugs and generous tips?
The fact is, being kind and generous makes you feel good and research confirms it. In a 2006 Psychology Today article titled "Pay it Forward", the research of Stanford University psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky shows that performing generous acts of kindness can make one feel happier and give one a sense of purpose.
So why wouldn’t we institute World Kindness Day everyday? Perhaps 'random' acts of kindness shouldn't be so 'random' but deliberate.
Being kind and generous is not only good for the recipient, it's good for you too. But what I love is that through your kindness and generosity God will be praised.
In 2 Corinthians 9:13-14, Paul was talking to a group of people. These people were poor but they were generous with their time and their money. Here’s what Paul said to them, “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God … for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.”
Imagine walking down the street and people saying, “There he is!” or “There she is!” “Praise God they are so kind and generous!”
I know that there are people in your life that are incredibly generous and I’m sure that when they go the extra mile, when they come over and help you with something, or when they help out financially you may very well say, Praise God for them.
Their kindness and generosity has pointed you to God.
Wouldn’t it be great if everyday someone said that about us? Wouldn’t it be great if people said of us, “Praise God, they are so kind and generous!” And it’s not even World Kindness Day yet.
Join us this Sunday as we conclude our three part series called “Blessed”.
If you were away from Amberlea last week, sorry but you missed out on the most delicious donuts! You never know what’s going to happen, or what you’ll go home with. Sure you can hear the message online (www.… but you don’t want to miss out on the experience, so come each and every Sunday.
Invite a friend!