Got baggage? Here's what to do with it.
We all have baggage in our lives. Baggage that we’ve acquired over a lifetime, and whether you see it or not, it’s there. Baggage that weighs us down and effects our daily lives.
There is a wonderful video called “Baggage” from the that does a fantastic job describing the different kinds of baggage that we pick up, whether we pick it up voluntarily or whether it’s thrust upon us.
Take a look.
Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV, 1984).
Jesus offers us rest. He offers to take away our baggage. But how? I believe that Jesus gives us rest and takes our baggage by offering us the tools and resources that we need to be freed from those burdens.
The first step (and for many the hardest step) is to identify your baggage.
Do you have baggage?
What does your baggage look like? What size is it, what colour is it, what shape is your baggage? If you have baggage, are you dealing with it or are you dragging it around, maybe even stumbling around with it?
Believe me when I say, we all have baggage. The challenge is to try to identify that baggage and then figure out how to get rid of that baggage through the only way possible: by declaring God’s word and promises over your life, and by attaining self-worth found in an intimate relationship with Christ.
Note: If you missed last Sunday’s message, check it out If you were there, I pray as you look at the luggage tag you received that you are reminded of what God thinks of you! For those of you who didn’t get one last week, I have them for you this Sunday. Make sure to see me after the service. I even got some blue ones! :)
Think about it like this: suppose you are at the airport carrying your several bags of luggage for your journey. You finally get to the check in counter and check them in. You board the plane and arrive at your destination. Now you have two choices: You can pick up the heavy baggage yourself and drag it around the airport, or you can let the porter load it on his cart and carry it for you. Which will you choose?
I choose Jesus.