Take some time to rest.
“Ping”, the sound of alerts on my cell phone that notify me that I have an email, or maybe someone has liked my status on Facebook or it could be a notification that the Leafs scored (or lately when they didn’t and the other team did). Oh the sweet, heart jarring, “ping” that keeps me connected - all the time.
But we know that that’s not always good.
Sometimes it’s okay to turn off the alerts. To even put away the smartphone. To actually share dinner with a loved one without looking down at our laps every 10 minutes. Why do we do that?? I love technology like the next guy but sometimes I wonder about how this amazing technology is affecting our lives.
I read this great article by Dan Cumberland called, How to Keep Your Smartphone From Ruining Your Life. Click on the link and take a read. Dan shares 6 tips on being intentional with your time spent on technology. These are wise words. Some of his tips I have already applied but not all of them, yet. I would be lying if I said that it’s been easy implementing his tips into my life!
Last week we talked about REST. We don’t talk about rest much in the church, do we? But given how we are all running at a pretty quick clip through our day, dare I say through our lives (if you were there on Sunday just envision Brian on the treadmill), maybe we need to talk about this more often!
There is an old song that has been stirring in my heart this past week or so, maybe you know it. The words are:
“Be still and know that I am God”
These simple and powerful words are taken from Psalm 46:10, in the Old Testament. In this psalm, the psalmist begins by stating that God is our refuge and our strength. The psalmist goes on to say that no matter what goes on around us, God is in charge, even in the midst of fearful chaos. And then in verse 10, God says, “Be still and know that I am God”. BE STILL. The Hebrew definition of these two simple words are; to stop striving, to let go, surrender. “Be still”.
What a great reminder that we can let go and rest in God to provide help, strength and safety.
There’s no doubt that the act of being still and resting becomes more of a challenge in our hectic world. The world asks us to be busy. God asks us to be still so we can rest and replenish. It’s hard. But what we know is that we are better when we are rested. We also know that when we are still - when we are rested - it is then that we are fully able to receive God’s love, peace and guidance.
Take some time to today, if only a moment, to trust God and be still. Take some time today to rest.