Top 10 Reasons Why We Love 'Summer Camp'.
For those directly involved with the planning and executing of Vacation Bible Camp (or as we are referring to it this year “Summer Camp”), they will tell you that it is a lot of work. They may even tell you that it is the most exhausting week in the church calendar. I wouldn't disagree.
I’m sure you will appreciate that to create a safe, meaningful and fun environment for all the children that will attend, requires hundreds of hours of planning, committed and creative volunteers, and of course… money. So the question is why do we do it? Why bother with the time, the energy and the expense?
Good question. So here are the top ten reasons why Amberlea does Summer camp?
Number 10: It’s fun! When else can you dress up in costume, sing great songs with actions, eat fun snacks and learn about Jesus? And I am just talking about the adults!
Number 9: Kids love it! If we are doing our job right, children of all ages are engaged and having fun. And when children are having fun they are more likely to pay attention and learn. They will also want to share what they are learning with others, or maybe even want to bring them along!
Number 8: Great way to connect with the community! VBC or Summer Camp is a wonderful way to connect with the surrounding community. Church goers and non church goers a like are drawn to excellent, safe programming for their children.
Number 7: Great way to share the gospel! For some that attend Summer Camp this may be their only exposure to church or the message of Jesus. What an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus.
Number 6: Amberlea children get to hang out! One hour a week doesn’t seem nearly long enough to connect with friends from church. Summer Camp gives our own children an opportunity to spend time together and build relationships with one another, while welcoming new friends from the community.
Number 5: Adults volunteers have an opportunity to not only serve but to experience how fun children’s ministry is! Honestly, it is not just about the fun (but it really is!)… it is a blessing to serve during this week. As you become the hands and feet of Jesus your faith will grow and I promise, you will be blessed.
Number 4: Parents get a chance to hear the gospel! At Amberlea we believe strongly in Family Ministry, which means that we serve not just the children but the whole of the family… the grown ups in the child’s life. We welcome the caregivers of the children to stay for the opening session each morning where they can hear the songs and the theme of the day. Hopefully this will lead to wonderful conversations during the day with their children. We also welcome all the families to the closing BBQ on Friday night. Even if you don’t have a child participating in Summer Camp… YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US TOO!
Number 3: You get to build relationships with kids. If you have the privilege of volunteering during the week you will get a chance to really connect with a group of children. You will be building relationships with children that will impact not only their lives, but yours.
Number 2: You get to build relationships with adults. Not only will you connect with children, you will be working shoulder to shoulder with other committed adults from the church. These may be people that you may not have had the opportunity to connect with otherwise. Some of the greatest friendships begin by serving together at Summer Camp.
Number 1: It’s EXCITING! There is just something special about an action-packed week of Summer Camp that just builds to a certain level of excitement. Personally, I feel every Sunday should be exciting… we are worshipping God, after all. Summer Camp is a great reminder to us all how how exciting it is to worship and serve the Risen Lord.
Even if you can't physically be with us next week you can still be a part. Would you please pray for the children and their families that will be participating in Summer Camp next week. Please pray for good health and strength of volunteers, and safety for all. Please pray that God would be glorified in all that we do and that lives would be changed.
And in case you are wondering, if you are able and want to be involved in all or some part of this amazing week, it’s not too late to volunteer. Contact Nancy at
Join us this Communion Sunday as we are transported back in time to meet Moses and the Israelites. Talk about exciting? You won’t want to miss it!