Obedient and In Charge
Our very first family pet was a goldfish. Her was named Ariel. Emily was young and we were deep into all things Little Mermaid. Emily begged us for a pet.
“Emily, if you get this goldfish,” I said to her, “you’ll have to take care of it.”
“I promise to be in charge of it, I promise”, she said.
“You’ll have to feed it.”
“I will, I will.”
“And you’ll have to clean out the fish bowl.”
“I will! And I will love it forever!”
And she did. She was very capably in charge of her pet and it was a very rewarding experience for all of us, until Ariel died and I secretly replaced her. Twice. Or was it three times? ;)
Emily is just now finding out this truth. Sorry Em.We are all called to different roles and responsibilities throughout our lifetime. Chances are you won’t ever be “only in charge” or “only obedient”. We’ll get plenty of opportunity for both roles, and we will likely find that each is difficult in its own way. We will also find that each brings blessings, too.
In the Bible, God is very clear about rulers, authority and obedience. Last week we looked at the verse in Ephesians that says, children are to obey their parents, and parents are to lovingly instruct their children.
We know that children, even at a young age, can be in charge of a pet, take on a leadership role in school, or be in charge in other ways. These responsibilities increase as they grow and mature. Parents and other adults can help mentor children through this process and serve as role models.
Ultimately, regardless of our age and stage in life, our obedience is to love and serve God above all others! In 2 John 1:6 we read:
“And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.
So how about you? In what ways are you currently in charge in your life? In what ways are you called to be obedient?
Join us this Sunday as we continue our series in Ephesians and be sure to bring a friend!