"Well that will never happen!"
“Well that will never happen!” Have you ever said that?
Life can be hard sometimes and it’s so easy to get discouraged. How many of us have pushed aside our hopes and dreams to focus on what is rather than what could be. We’ve bumped up against so many disappointments that we just assume…. that (good thing) won’t happen to me!
How easy it is to forget what is promised to us in the Word of God.
A few weeks ago on a Sunday morning, we were talking about the servant who was to find a wife for Issac. Remember Rebekah and all the water??
Issac was the son of Abraham and Sarah and that too is a marvellous story. In Genesis 18, the LORD told Abraham that in a year from that moment, he and Sarah would have a son. “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son,” He said (v. 10).
People have children everyday, so what’s the big deal? The big deal was that Abraham and Sarah were in their 90’s!! They were old! Well, old by anyone’s standard to bear a child. I would imagine that in their 50’s they were thinking ‘well, that’s that, no children for us’. The idea of having children at the age of 90 was not only unlikey but it was down right impossible!
But in Gen. 17:1-2 God had made a covenant with Abraham and told him he would have many descendants. So in God’s economy, it was the perfect time for God to deliver on His promise.
I love verse 12… Sarah hears that she is going to have a child… “So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, ‘After I am worn out and my husband is old, will I now have this pleasure?’”
It says she laughed to herself. Have you ever found yourself laughing at what seems like an impossible circumstance? Maybe it has to do with a child, a spouse, a loved one, a dream job, a cure for your illness, getting out of debt . . . whatever.
Maybe you’ve shed some tears over what seems impossible to you right now and you’ve moved on to laughter—or rather unbelief—like Sarah. I can just imagine her saying, with a smile on her face and laughing out loud, “Really, God ... how could this ever happen in my life at this point? It’s pretty unlikely… it’s too unbelievable… really???”
But the LORD heard her and said to Abraham: “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (v. 13-14).
Ask yourself that same question. Is it? Is anything too hard for the Lord?
What are you “laughing” about today that signifies your unbelief? What have you given up on? What seems just too unlikely, too impossible?
In chapter 21, we see how God’s promise came to be. God was “gracious to Sarah, as He had said, "and she bore a son to Abraham at the very time God had promised him.” His name was Isaac (which means laughter) and he was a miracle.
I love this story of Abraham and Sarah because through it we are reminded that it's not about us - it's all about God. It’s about what God has done, what God is doing and what God will do. It’s about the joy that only God can bring. It’s about trusting God along the journey and believing in the One who created all things, knows all things and can do all things—even the impossible.
Join us this Sunday as we talk about another unlikely story! Be sure to invite a friend!!!