God can do a lot with a little!
Like many of you, I have Blue Jay fever. I have been keenly watching as many games as I can on tv or listening to the game on the radio in the car. I even got to a game earlier in the season…what a treat!
As I write this the Blue Jays game is on in the background. David Price is pitching. He is amazing tonight.
If you put a baseball in my hands, it is just that, it is a round ball with some fancy stitching. Put a baseball in Price’s hand and it turns into winning games and dare I say, the championship?
If we put what we have in the right hands, we will get amazing results.
So why don’t we do that with God?
Imagine what could happen if we put our limited resources into God’s hands? Imagine what we could do for God if we decided to give him everything we’ve got? Even if it’s not much? Even if it’s just a little bit?
All through scripture, you see it again and again.
In the New Testament after Jesus had finished teaching the thousands, the people were hungry, and the disciples said, "Whose going to feed all these people?" And a little boy came up and he could have thought I don’t have enough why bother offering but he took what he had and said, "All I have is five loaves and two fishes.”
In the hands of the Son of God, a little bit became a lot and they fed the thousands and even had 12 basketfuls left over because we serve a God who can do a lot with a little. Check out the story in Matthew 14:15-20
In the Old Testament a whole army was afraid of the Philistines because of one man, Goliath, and guess who God used?
A little shepherd boy with a little bit of faith and a little stone who said to the giant, "Who are you to come against the armies of my living God?” And God used a little boy with a little faith and a little stone to take down the big giant because we serve a God who can do a lot with a little.
Last week we talked about Elisha from the Old Testament and his awesome, ridiculous faith. Remember the plow burning? If you weren’t with us check out the sermon online.
This week we are going to continue our series called Awesome faith and meet a woman who learns from Elisha how our God is a God who can do a lot with a little.
Be sure to join us!