Remember your baptism
Something powerful happens at a baptism. Have you noticed? There’s no magic in the water and certainly the water itself doesn’t change you. But there is extraordinary power and hope in the One who makes baptism possible - the One who baptizes in the Spirit and transforms the heart.
If you were at church on Sunday, you witnessed a precious moment as baby Trevor was baptized into the family of God. As his parents brought him forward for baptism their actions were a symbol of their promise to raise their son to know and love God.
All eyes were on this adorable little guy with great anticipation. What will he do? Will he cry as he leaves his mothers arms and into the arms of the Pastor? Will he be shocked by the water placed on his head and start to cry? What will happen?
Well, sweet Trevor didn’t cry. Quite the contrary, he couldn’t get enough of the water!
I love baptisms.
Each time I have the privilege of baptizing an individual, infant or adult, I am reminded of the magnanimous grace of God in a new way.
I am reminded of how our God welcomes us with open arms into His Church long before we can choose to know, love and obey Him. God loves us first.
I love how God invites us to the waters. God welcomed little Trevor into His Church through the graces of the baptismal font and God calls him “son”.
Trevor won’t remember the act that occurred on that special Sunday, but something powerful happened. We pray that Trevor will have the opportunity to one day affirm his own faith.
Baptisms are are wonderful time for each of us to remember our own baptism. Not so much the time or the act but remember the gospel, which gives purpose to all baptisms.
Remember that the Lord called you to Himself, and He chose you by name. It was not by any merit of your own but by His free gift of grace. You don’t have to look very hard in the Bible to see that God chose people who we might consider unworthy - liars, adulterers, and even tax collectors. But perhaps that’s the point. None of us are deserving. God’s grace gives us what we don’t deserve - undeserved favor and unconditional acceptance. God saw what we needed the most and gave it to us in His son Jesus Christ.
As you are remembering that, also remember that you are never alone and you are not without hope, because the Lord has called you His own. You have been adopted as God’s child and heir!
Join us this Sunday as we continue our series called "The Time has Come!" This week we will be focusing on discouragement. We've all been discouraged at some point. WE are going to hear what God, through the Old Testament prophet Haggai, might say to us about it.
Please come and bring a friend!!!