Get up
On Sunday we waved palm branches to sounds of “Hossana, Hossana, Hossana to the King of Kings!” The children lead the way as they paraded through the sanctuary, palm branches waving high. What a wonderful morning!
The energy was palpable. Perhaps it was the amazing story of Jesus healing the invalid that made the morning electric. Jesus heals a man who had been an invalid for 38 years! Before healing him, Jesusasks the man a great question: “Do you want to be well?”. The invalid replies by giving excuses as to why he can’t get to the water where he believed the healing would take place. Jesus says to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” Read the story for yourself in John 5:1-9.
I love this story! Here are three reasons why:
1. The sick guy didn’t even ask to be healed.
Jesus did for him what he didn’t even ask Jesus to do.
Honestly, this is just one of the gazillion reasons why our greatest priority in life should be to press into the presence of God, and to get to know His Son Jesus.
Here’s the thing, when you get to know Jesus – He will do things for you, you didn’t even ask Him to do!
- He’ll bring healing in your life, in areas where you didn’t even know you needed healing.
- He’ll change your thought processes, in ways that you didn’t even know you were dysfunctional.
- He’ll bring forgiveness and healing into your heart, in areas where you didn’t even know you were sick.
When you get close to Jesus, He will do things for you, you didn’t even ask Him to do.
2. The sick guy did nothing to earn it, or deserve it.
And honestly that is great news for me!
Jesus did not heal this man because this man was good. Jesus healed the man because Jesus was good. And that’s His grace!
We can’t earn it. We can’t give our way to get it. We can’t work our way to get it. Jesus gives us untold blessings because of His goodness, and because of His grace, and for His glory He did this.
And here’s the other thing,
3. The healing did not happen in the way the man thought it would.
The invalid thought that the only way healing would come would be if he could get to the water. “If I can just get in the water, I’ll be healed.” The healing didn’t come through the water. It came through Jesus!
We are not that different. You may be expecting some healing through a certain way, and God may bring you a blessing, a healing, a transformation, in some way that you never, ever expected.
That’s the power of our good God.
So? Do you want to be well? Jesus says: “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” God helps those who want help. So, dear friends, have faith today to stand up, even when you think your legs are not capable of supporting you.
You are loved by an AMAZING GOD!!
Please join us for our many Easter services this week. Check the website for more details.