Weak made strong
Over the last couple of Sunday mornings we have been talking about Samson, a guy who from birth was set apart by God to do amazing things. Yet even with this incredible potential and unique God-given strength, we find him making one bad decision after another.
Sure Samson was strong physically, but his will was weak. Very weak. Here’s the thing: Samson wasn’t strong from pumping iron at the local Gaza gym. His strength was a supernatural gift from God intended to be used by God for God’s purposes. But Samson did what so many of us do — he squandered the gift. It ended up destroying him.
Take a look at Judges chapters 14 to 16 in the Old Testament and read about Samson. There is a lot to learn from this flawed man. Sure, it’s more of what not to do, but it is learning none the less. His story reminds me that even in the depths of my dumb mistakes and failures, God can demonstrate His strength.
On Sunday we are going to take another look at Samson’s story. Spoiler alert: God shows up again! (Judges 16:30).
And this is what I really love! In Hebrews chapter 11, verse 32 there is a little astonishing footnote that lists Samson — a man who had fallen victim to his weakness over and over again — as a man of faith. Samson’s failures did not disqualify him from God’s family.
It wasn’t too late for Samson, and it’s not too late for you and me. We don’t have to resign ourselves to our weaknesses, fearing that it will never be different. We can be strong—not by our own power but by the power of the Holy Spirit released in us when we surrender to God.
Join us this Sunday as we conclude our three-part series on Samson. Bring a friend! You won’t want to miss it.
There is nothing like being in community! Come.