“Now just turn towards me,” she said interrupting me from the best rest I have had in a while.
After a very busy few days at a Preaching Conference downtown, I finally found myself away from the crowds and alone with my thoughts. I could hear the dulcet tones of Ed Sheeran in the background and the bright light provided a soothing warmth on my face. The chair in which I sat both reclined and massaged. In this moment, I was unusually at peace.
“You doing ok?” she asked sweetly. I nodded.
As I lay there quietly, I began to pray. I prayed for my family, for the church, and I prayed for you. I prayed that as you read this you would be reminded, as I was today, that we can find God everywhere.
God said to Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV)
How comforting to know that wherever we are, wherever we go, God is there with us in the good times and the bad. God is with us in the confusing times and the sad. He is even with us in those time we feel all alone. In fact God’s promise to us is that we will never be alone and, not only that, God is working things out for us that we don’t even realize. Check out Isaiah 43:1-3a.
Today as you go through your day, remember that God is with you everywhere …
“Just open a little wider, we are almost done.”
… even in the dentist chair.
Join us this Sunday as we begin a new three part series called “Change your World”. You will not want to miss any of it.
Also this Sunday is a very special day for Amberlea as we baptize two of our own. Join us as we together celebrate God’s goodness and the sacrament of baptism. It will be unlike anything you have witnessed before at Amberlea. Please don’t miss it.
Parking will be tight this Sunday. If you are able please feel free to park along Stroud’s Lane or in the Metro parking lot across the road from the church.
Come, bring a friend and witness God at work!