Little things!
“I can do little things, Pastor”, says a dear man in the congregation. Without fail, he faithfully completes his “little” task completely unaware of its importance and impact on so many others.
When Brian and I were away on vacation we watched a huge ship leave one of the ports we stopped at on our cruise. We saw the huge ship pull out, turn around, and be pushed out to its next destination by a tiny, little tug boat. It was mesmerizing to watch the power of the small tugboat. How could something that small literally turn around an entire ship?
Little things can have great power.
Matthew writes, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)
If you are a baker, you know that a little baking soda or a little baking powder can make or break us.
Paul writes in Galatians 5:9 that “a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”
But the best truth of all is that at Christmas, Jesus came as a little baby and He changed everything!
As we move into the last Sunday of Advent remember that little things in the hands of a big God can make a big difference!
This Sunday is Christmas Eve!
At the 11 am service you will have the opportunity to win one of four Advent gifts.
The secret phrase is: Little things make a big difference!
Be sure to yell it out when I ask for the secret phrase ;) You will also receive a very special giveaway at the door. It will be a wonderful, joyous morning. Please join us.
Then at 6 pm join us for our special Family service. This is a fun, interactive service with families with young children (and all who are young at heart). You do not need to have young children to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child!
Then at 7:30 pm we gather for our Candlelight service.
Merry Christmas!
May you experience the beauty and joy of the little baby born in Bethlehem.