Thank you!
I remember my very first Girl Guide meeting. I was so excited. My friend Andrea invited me to go with her and before I knew it I was donning a blue uniform, an empty sash full of potential and a lovely blue beret.
Each week Andrea and I would join the local Girl Guide unit in activities led by amazing volunteer leaders. These women worked tirelessly to create new and challenging experiences for us. They encouraged us to learn more about ourselves and helped us to discover what we were able to accomplish with some good old-fashioned hard work and discipline.
It wasn’t long before my once empty sash was covered with brightly coloured badges. Each badge represented a new skill I had learned, and something new I discovered about myself. I could sew! I could cook! I could camp! I was artistic! I was dramatic and, boy oh boy, could I sell cookies!
I thank God for those experiences that helped shape me into the person I am today. I thank God for those faithful women who desired to make a positive impact on the lives of girls in their community. They taught us, just as Jesus does, that it is all about relationships. They encouraged us, empowered us, picked us up when we were down and celebrated with us when we achieved our personal and team goals.
Jesus lived a life that was devoted to showing God’s love for people. He was never too busy, too overwhelmed, too stressed out or too distracted to invest in people. Based on His two greatest commandments—to love the Lord and love others—He expects us to do the same.
Last Sunday I took the opportunity to thank you, the amazing men and women who serve in the ministries at Amberlea Church. You are the ones who understand that church is for all people — churched and un-churched. You are the ones who dedicate your time, talent and energy to creating environments where people want to be. You are the ones who know that more happens in relationships and in serving others, than by just sitting in rows. It is in your being and doing that you point people to Jesus. To each of you, I thank you!
May each generation take the torch to the next.
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series entitled #Selfie. Join us as we talk about how to follow Jesus in a selfie, social media obsessed world. I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday, and as always be sure to invite a friend.