Love your neighbour... a meditation.
This month our theme is “Being a Good Neighbour.” It seemed a fitting way to begin our new school year for a couple of reasons. First, the constant news of distrust and conflict from our neighbours to the south; the strife and terror attacks throughout the world, and the unease in our own country. It seems, like never before, we need to be reminded of the Great Commandment: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbour as yourself.’" (Luke 10:27)
As our country, and our communities become increasingly more diverse we are constantly rubbing shoulders with people of other races and backgrounds, people who differ from us in religion, gender, ability, sexuality, economic class, etc.
Would you join me this month as we pray…. consider who is our neighbour and how God is calling us to love and serve that person.
Imagine if we all did this, how we could perhaps lead our community, our country and the world, to Peace.
Take some time each day this week to reflect and pray on the following:
Join me this Sunday as we welcome a very special guest preacher to the pulpit, Mike Gordon. Mike has graciously taken time out of his very busy international speaking schedule to come to Amberlea.
Please be sure to invite your family, friends and neighbours!!
To learn more about Mike and his ministry check out is website at