What I did on my summer vacation....Praise God!
It’s great to be home and equally great to be back with my church family!
The psalmist teaches us that we are not only to thank and praise God in our hearts but that we are to thank God among all the people.
I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations (Psalm 108:3 NLT). So, I share with you my gratitude to God!
This summer I was blessed to take some time off and actually have a vacation. For the past seven years my vacation time has been devoted to completing my Doctorate. This summer vacation was distinctly different. Praise God! This year, instead of reading, writing or editing a thesis, I went to visit Emily (my eldest daughter). Emily lives in Whitehorse where she has been working for the Yukon government for the past 17 months.
Yukon is undeniably beautiful. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to witness the staggering beauty of God’s creation and I am immensely grateful for the ability to perceive it.
During my visit, the two of us drove from Whitehorse to Dawson City - which is still a gold mining town. It was the most delightful place, like going back in time to the gold rush! It was well worth the six hour drive (one way!) and the scenery was stunning.
On another weekend we drove to Skagway, Alaska (a mere two and half hour drive from Whitehorse). In Skagway we picked up a boat and took a day trip to Juneau. The views from our boat were spectacular. We saw orcas, humpback whales, sea lions and porpoises. It was a most extraordinary experience.
While Emily was at work, during the week, I knitted, listened to podcasts, caught up on some Netflix shows and hiked. Yes, you read it right. Hiked. No, I did not wear heels! I also had the privilege of meeting Emily’s friends, attending her church, and just hanging out together. It was a glorious two weeks of mommy/daughter time.
After a teary goodbye, I returned home long enough to do laundry, repack my bag and set sail with the other special lady in my life, my mom. The two of us went on a cruise to Bermuda. This time it was daughter/mommy time. We took in God’s amazing creation as we sailed the Atlantic Ocean. We witnessed glorious sunsets, ate, drank, were entertained and even managed the rocky sail back as we skirted a tropical storm. But most of all we just hung out together, and it was good.
My time away with these two amazing women this summer was without a doubt, good for my soul and I am so grateful to God. I was reminded again of the importance of times of rest, refreshment and renewal.
How about you? I pray that you too were able to rest and recharge during the summer months.
How has God blessed you in this past summer?
PRAYER: Gracious God, how marvellous are your gifts to me. How faithful and good you are. Your mercies are, indeed, new every morning. Thank you, dear Lord, for the gifts you have showered upon me this summer.
Thank you for the blessings of vacation and rest. Thank you for the challenges and joys of my work and thank you for the people who fill my life.
Please join me this Sunday as I begin in a new sermon series called: Being a Good Neighbour.
You won't want to miss it!
Be sure to bring a friend.... or how about your neighbour ;)