Christmas is over, now what?
Perhaps for you, like me, the majority of Christmas celebrating is now done for another year. For some the Christmas decorations are down and packed away and a New Year has begun. Happy New Year!
It’s in these quieter days that I like to take a cue from Luke 2:17-20. It’s amazing how in these short verses we are given three specific ways that we should respond in the days following Christmas.
The first thing to do us Ponder.
Take some time today to read the Christmas story again. As you read the story in Luke 2, look at it with fresh eyes and, like Mary, ponder them in your heart.
Our next response is to Praise.
The angel’s message to the shepherds in Luke 2:10-12 was that Jesus is your Saviour, your King, your Christ, your gift from God. Just for you. Sometimes we focus only on the words that God so the world that He gave his Son. We forget that God so loved you. The fact that Jesus came for you means that you need to respond to his incredible gift. What will you do with Jesus? How will you personally respond? I believe that we are to respond through praising Him.
Finally we must Proclaim Him.
As believers, it’s not enough to know and understand the truth that has been given to us. We need to share this good news! What good is throwing a party if you forget to invite people? It’s the same thing. The birth of Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world, is good news and great joy for all people.
So, Christmas day may be a week away and we are now in 2019 but the truth of this song never gets old…
Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born!