Dumb things Christians say!
It was wonderful having Mike Gordon from Youth for Christ with us this past Sunday. His story about his time in hospital provoked some serious conversations.
Mike shared with us some dumb things that Christians say. Honestly, in my lifetime I’ve heard it all! And with great regret I have surely said them too.
I’ve heard people say to me thing like:
“God won’t give you more than you can handle.”
“Everything happens for a reason.”
“Love the sinner, hate the sin.”
Oh, and so many more.
So often these things are said with good, even loving intentions but the damage to the receiver can be catastrophic.
I remember a young mom who just lost her child being told that, “God needed another angel in heaven.” Why would someone say that? Why would someone say that our all-powerful Heavenly Father took their child away from them, on purpose, for His needs, not caring what it did to them?
Imagine what that would do to the grieving family’s understanding of God. And if they didn’t believe in God (or even a version of God sufficiently similar to yours), it would be the equivalent of saying “Santa needed another elf in his workshop.” Who would say that? Nobody.
The reality is that at some time or another, in the middle of our pain or struggle, some well meaning Christian will say something dumb. It may even be me, and I apologize in advance! But here is what I hope we will all remember:
God is God. God is Truth.
Human’s, even Christians (or rather, particularly Christians), make mistakes and say some pretty dumb things. My prayer for you and for me is that we would remember the character of God, the Grace of God, and the love of God before internalizing clichés said by people who want to help.
As we get to know our God better it matters not what others say. The truth is found in who God is. And God LOVES you!