Calling all friends!

Lynda and her friend Ann

Lynda and her friend Ann

Over the past four weeks in the midst this global pandemic we have been talking about relationships, and in particular friendships.  

It’s amazing isn’t it how differently we look at things when we are no longer able to take them for granted? Like during a power outage. My world seems to stand still until the power goes back on. I could have easily been productive during that time but just knowing the power is off causes me to focus on all the things I now cannot do as opposed to the things I can do without electricity.  Am I the only one that does that?

The same has been true for gathering with friends. At our house we are taking the Covid restrictions seriously and so we have not met with friends as we used to. And it has been hard.

Friendships are important.  Friendships are a blessing from God.

I received this note from dear Lynda Burke who shared about her best friend, Ann.  She writes:

I would like to talk about my best friend, Ann.  We first met while taking piano lessons when I was about 8 years old.  Mom would pick me up at school during lunch hour and drive me to Minesing for ½ hour lesson.  Mom would visit her parents, who lived across the road while I was at Mamie’s for the lesson.  After Papa died and we moved in with Nanny, I would participate in an early June piano recital along with all of the other students.  This event was attended by our parents, grandparents, friends, and our supportive community family.

Ann just lived about ¼ mile from our place.  We used to walk together to school, get rides to attend Explores and CGIT, and sing in the local church girl’s junior choir. Time came for us to go to high school in Barrie, and Ann and her sister would get on the bus before me.  They were always late, and I had to wait for them.  I would get out the binoculars and watch from the kitchen when the bus left their place and I would go out the road and wait to board the bus.

Ann was a great friend, and she was one of my bridesmaids, while inviting Allen and two groomsmen stay with her.  She only new Allen from meeting him at her sister’s wedding. 

She was the kind of person that would drop what she was doing and help me do anything; when I moved to Dartmouth it was a loss not being able to see my childhood friends.  One had moved to Alberta, another was in Montreal, but Ann always stayed close to home.

The last I saw Ann was at her brother’s funeral in Minesing.  It was so nice to see her and to have a real visit.  I talk to her on the phone or write, she does not have email.  However, that does not matter, we still keep in touch and that is important. Besties are the best.   (Printed with permission). 

Scripture reminds us repeatedly that we are not meant to go through life alone and without assistance. Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother/sister is born for adversity.” 

Give your friend a call, shoot them an email or text… they are missing you too!