What Is Important? (guest post by Tyler Scrivens)
To say that this year has been “unprecedented” seems to be the only way to describe it. Life as we know it has changed. These changes have been difficult for many. Life can be overwhelming. How often do we get to that point in our week, or even in our day when we say… “this is too much to handle”.
As the province continue to open up, we have to balance work, family obligations, soon school will start, socially- distant social interaction, life events, keeping up with the news, social media, and all the other things going on in our lives… It is a miracle that we ever get anything done. There are so many things that are fighting for our attention.
There is a beautiful illustration that says,
“While washing dishes, you might be thinking about the tea you’re going to drink afterwards, and so try to get them out of the way as quickly as possible in order to sit and drink tea. But that means that you are incapable of living during the time you are washing the dishes. When you are washing the dishes, washing the dishes must be the most important thing in your life. Just as when you’re drinking tea, drinking tea must be the most important thing in your life.”
Washing dishes and drinking tea may seem like small and insignificant moment in your day, but the principle is sound, and extends to other areas of our lives. When we waste a moment, we squander an irreplaceable opportunity.
As some of you may know, in addition to being the Youth Director, I also work at Lakeridge hospital as a Spiritual Care Provider. I have had the honor of supporting patients as they are in the hospital. For months patients were unable to have visitor come into the hospital. Over the last week, visitor restrictions have been lessened so patients can have a designated visitor come for a One hour scheduled visit. A patient that I have been seeing regularly over the last few months was so excited that her daughter would be able to visit for the first time since she had been admitted. The next day when I saw the patient, I had expected her to be so happy after seeing her daughter, but that what not the case. The patient told me that it was “ just fine”. She noted how her daughter took a 20-minute phone call in the middle of their visit, so they were not able to talk as much as she wanted.
If we take an honest look at our lives, there are so many things that we do that distracts us from what really matters. Sometimes, in order to focus, we need to silence the countless distractions that we face. And in this silence, we find peace, and clarity for what is truly important.
What is the important thing in your life you need to focus on? For some people, it could be family. There could be a friend that you just haven’t had the time to reach out. Maybe God need to become more of a focus in your life, as Matthew 6: 31-34 tells us, “seek first the kingdom of God”
So, what will you chose to focus on?
And what is distracting you from focusing on it?
These two questions are something to reflect on this week... Changing your focus to what is truly important can make a huge difference in your life.