"It is a joy for us to bless you."
This coming Saturday my baby (well…my adult daughter) is getting married!!! Brian and I are thrilled by Emily’s choice in a partner. Matthew is a wonderful young man who has easily fit into our family and we love that he adores our Emily.
I need not tell you that weddings are full of extra activities and, the occasional stresses. Planning a wedding in the midst of a Global pandemic is all the more…how shall I say it? Interesting ;) We have been so blessed to have dear friends who have come alongside to assist in ways I didn’t even realize we needed help.
These same friends are the ones who have, for years, shared our burdens and made our lives all the richer. When we express our gratitude to them, their response is always, “it is a joy for us to bless you”. Their humble response is indicative of who they are. They give of themselves, freely and often, and not just to us but to so many others!
They remind me of the scripture we talked about on Sunday, in There’s a Reason (part 2)
Mark 10:45:
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."
- Jesus
Jesus is our greatest example of selflessness. Scripture is full of examples of Him serving others - from going out of His way to talk to the woman at the well, to healing lepers, to washing His disciples' feet, to the ultimate sacrifice of giving His life.
We can get so caught up in own own needs that we may not think of others or look for ways to serve like Jesus. But not my friends.
They truly inspire me.
Opportunities to serve are all around us. From raking leaves for a neighbour, or buying and delivering groceries to shut-ins, to throwing a beautiful shower for the daughter of a friend.
We are given plenty of opportunities to imitate Jesus. And I know that if we are open, God will put someone in our path whom we can serve today.
Let's consider their needs and serve them unreservedly and gladly, and may we too, find the joy in blessing others.
Be Well and Be Grateful… you are loved beyond measure!