Life is fleeting
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)
A week before Christmas I attended the Visitation of a dear, and faithful woman. She was a wife, a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt. She was a teacher, a missionary, a woman after God’s heart. Janet will be greatly missed by all whose life she touched.
Every once and a while God places people in our path who have influenced the trajectory of our lives, Janet was one of those people for me.
Over twenty five years ago, I met Janet on the GO train. I believe we were both fulfilling our civic duty and returning from a day of jury selection. I knew Janet as the mother of one of the children my daughter went to public school with.
I didn’t know before she sat down beside me that she was a Christian. Janet came to faith later in life and when God got ahold of her heart that was it, she was all in. She had a passion for God that was unmistakable, and absolutely inspiring.
As we chatted casually on the 35 min ride from downtown, she shared her faith journey and her involvement in the local church which she loved. “Mona, you must come to Grace. We have a wonderful children’s program. The kids will love it.”
That conversation changed the trajectory of my life.
On her invitation we, as a family, visited Grace Church West Hill and stayed there for 14 years. I started as a congregant, quickly became their Youth Director, after much encouragement I began the Ordination process, and was inducted as Associate Minister at Grace Church in 2008.
What if Janet and I had not met that day? Would we have found our way to the church that encouraged and nurtured me to become an Ordained minister?
WE are all blessed with people in our midst that encourage, support, guide and direct our lives.
Stop, remember, reflect and be grateful. Tell them now, before a time comes that you can’t thank them in person.
Life is fleeting…don’t take any of it for granted. And as we begin a New Year may we do so with the spirit of GRATITUDE.
A Prayer:
Father God, You constantly show your compassionate love for us, in the way you provide what we need for each day. Thank you for the people you place in our lives that point and direct us to YOU. Thank you for comforting us when we are overwhelmed by the news of this world and the pain that surrounds most of us these days. Psalm 23:1-4 reminds us: “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Strike the fear and worry from our lives when it wells up, Father. Help us to remember, refocus, move forward, trust you, and hold onto our hope in Christ.
In Jesus’ Name,