There is hope!
On Sunday we concluded a two part sermon series on Love: An Extraordinary Kind of Love. Over two weeks we looked at the story of Jesus’ dear friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
This story tells of a time when Jesus grieved. There are so many facets to the story of Lazarus. Jesus knew him — this wasn’t just someone who pursued Him in a crowd or heard of His miracles. This was a friend Jesus spent time with. We know Jesus loved everyone, but the Bible specifically says, “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5).
Jesus had dinner with Lazarus. Jesus even found Himself in the middle of sister drama with Martha and Mary. He knew this family, and they knew Him. Personally.
That was one of the many reasons why the death of Lazarus was such a shock. It was hard to understand why.
We all know how the story ends — Lazarus didn’t stay dead long. Jesus displayed what He proclaimed: He is the resurrection and the life.
But in the middle, between death and life, something else happened. “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). This is scripture’s shortest verse—and one of its most profound. Imagine the Son of God, who would defeat death forever, weeping with mourners at the grave of the man he was about to resurrect.
This begs the question … why? Jesus knew Lazarus would live again. Why weep? He could have started with “Lazarus, come out!” but He chose to shed tears with Mary and Martha instead.
Why? Because God is present. God is there in the midst of our grieving and grieves with us in our pain. It is all about this Extraordinary Kind of Love that God has for humanity — for you and me.
Ash Wednesday (Feb 17th) marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Lent (find out more here) is a time that invites us to grieve as Jesus grieved, and to glory as he gloried—in the death of death. There is HOPE!
You are Loved!