This past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving. I pray, however you celebrated it, you were able to take some time to reflect on God’s generosity with gratitude.
Our children, along with their spouses and our grandpups, gathered together for a meal on Sunday. I was so convicted by my own preaching that I used our fine china! It was wonderful and liberating and oh so pretty. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about check out last weeks sermon). It felt like a very long time since we gathered around a table together for a holiday meal. It felt somehow different, it seemed more special to me, and not just because of the china ;). I was grateful.
The passage of time is a funny thing, isn’t it? It felt like such a long time since last gathering for a Thanksgiving meal and yet it feels like yesterday that I came to Amberlea. I started my ministry with this very special church made up of extraordinary people ten years ago this coming weekend! 10 years! And so much has happened in that time and yet, it still feels fresh and exciting to be there. I am grateful that God called me to this place.
I am also grateful to work alongside a Godly session, and for almost all of those 10 years with my dear friend, Nancy Varga, who shares my heart for families, community and Jesus.
Above alI, I am grateful that God is merciful, trustworthy, loving, holy and constant!
Over the past 4 Sundays we have been talking about the attributes of God, there are certainly more attributes than weeks in a year, so we will conclude the series this week. Please join us in person, Sunday mornings at 11am. It would be wonderful to see you!! Or join us anytime, online!
I am so grateful for each of you!