You'll be glad you did.
On Sunday we started a new sermon series called “Famous Last Words” and we tackled the first words Jesus uttered on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
We looked at these powerful words of forgiveness but more specifically, how do we forgive like Jesus? If you weren’t there on Sunday, check it out.
It shouldn’t surprise me but after the service I heard from so many of how the sermon had spoken to them. It was a simple message of how and why we are to forgive. Simple, however you and I both know how hard it can be to forgive sometimes, especially forgiving someone who has deeply hurt us or someone we love.
And yet, forgiveness is the heart of God’s good news for us. Perhaps forgiving others would be easier if we truly understood what God has done for us. God freely forgives us, and I wonder if we really take that in? How often do we turn a blind eye to that amazing truth?
I read this interesting story about an attorney, who after meditating on several Scriptures, (like Matthew 6:14-15; Ephesians 4:32) decided to cancel the debts of all his clients that had owed him money for more than 6 months.
He drafted a letter explaining his decision and its Biblical basis and sent 17 debt canceling letters via certified mail.
One by one, the letters were returned by the Postal Service, unsigned and undelivered.
Perhaps a couple people had moved away though not likely. Sixteen of the seventeen letters came back to him because the clients refused to sign for and open the envelopes fearing that this attorney was suing them for their debts.
How profound! We owe a debt for our sin and God is willing to cancel it but how many of us will not even open the letter that explains how?
Today, take a moment to remember what God has done for you. Ask God to fill you with love for those who have offended you, pray for them and forgive as you have been forgiven.
You will be glad you did.