Being an Elder does not mean you're old!
If you have been around Amberlea Church, you will know that the Elders play a significant role in the life and work of the church. (Don’t let the name deceive you, being an Elder does not mean you’re old!) You have, no doubt, met or received emails or a phone call from your elder. You have seen them in various roles in the Sunday morning service, or leading a ministry team. And did you know that Eldership is at the heart of what it means to be Presbyterian?
All of our Presbyterian churches are led by our ruling elders and teaching elders (Pastors). They are called by God to seek the Holy Spirit in a particular congregation and to follow that path sincerely, faithfully, and effectively. It’s one of the great strengths of the Presbyterian system and, when it is done right, it makes Presbyterianism a great light amongst Christian denominations.
I love being both a Presbyterian and a teaching elder in the church. I feel connected to the apostles like Peter because of the special, mysterious, and holy laying on of hands that is part of the ordination process. I feel connected to the elders around me as we share a great sense of team work, responsibility, and faith in Christ. I am grateful and blessed by each of our faithful Elders!
Peter writes in 1 Peter 5:1:
To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed:
Peter refers to elders as being witnesses to Christ’s suffering, which reminds me that being ruling and teaching elders in the church is never an easy process. We think, we question, and we struggle with our faith. We solve problems, seek answers, and look for guidance from the Holy Spirit. We try to keep the church on the right path, just as the world tries to distract our goals and diminish our effectiveness.
We are the gate keepers of the faith and are meant to be the visionaries of our churches. Elders are always looking at the bigger picture and what lies ahead. If we only concentrate on the here and now, we will never reach the blessings yet to come.
These are anxious times for our faith, but as our elders across the Presbyterian Church remain faithful to Christ, uphold Christ’s teachings, and live according to God’s Word, then we will not only share in Christ’s glory, but we will also be handing over a strong church for the elders yet to be ordained.
In early Fall of 2022, it is the hope of Session (which is what we call the group of Elders) to expand its number. Would you prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this important role in the life and work of Amberlea church.
For more information on the role of elders please refer to the Equipping Elders Resource from the Presbyterian Church in Canada website.
May we all share in the glory to be revealed!