Taking a Risk
Have you seen the movie Pay it Forward? It’s a great movie and in it is a scene when a seventh grade Social Studies teacher writes an assignment for his class on the chalkboard, it reads:
“Think of an idea to change the world – and put it into ACTION!”
The teacher asks the class what words come to mind when they read this assignment.
Kids share their thoughts, "Crazy, Hard”
The teacher says how about "Possible."
He tells them it is possible and then asks, "The realm of possibility exists, where, in each of you?" "Here." (And he points to his head).
This is a wonderfully inspiring movie and if you haven’t seen it can probably find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime - but here is the part that is implied but the teacher neglects to say explicitly - and that is that, the impossible is possible, if we put our faith in God.
Throughout scripture we see God doing the impossible, like with Moses and a burning bush that is never consumed (Exodus 3: 1-15), the Immaculate Conception (Luke 1:26ff), healing the blind (John 9:1-12) and raising people from the dead (John 11:38-44). Impossible things – made possible only through God.
Have you ever had a big dream? Something that you really wanted to do, but were afraid to try?
Seek God First — God will not plant a dream in your heart without a purpose.
And then, Fight Fear with Faith — even though it's natural to feel fear about taking the risks necessary to pursue our dreams, giving into our fear will stop our progress.
God can take our hopes and dreams, along with a little elbow grease from us and turn it into a reality!
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to God, and God will make your paths straight.” —Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV