Get Ready!
So confession time… I do not like the feeling of being unprepared. Have you ever had a dream of taking a test you haven’t prepared for? That is my nightmare!
I have colleagues who write their sermons on Saturday night. That works for them, but I would be sick to my stomach if I were writing hours before preaching. And for me it’s not just about being prepared with preaching, it is about all aspects of my life. If I am throwing a dinner party, packing for a trip, having guests to the cottage, or whatever it is, I want to be prepared. I want to think ahead and anticipate my needs and the needs of others. Sure I can go to the grocery store without my list and “wing it”, but chances are I will have to go back because I will have inevitably forgotten something.
Preparation gives me a sense of security and makes me feel like there is a greater chance of success. Being ready also gives me a sense of comfort so that when the uncertain, unpredictable things in life happen, I am ready (as best I can be ;). But being prepared also allows me to make the most of every opportunity.
I saw a quote that said: “When opportunity knocks, it’s too late to prepare.” [J. Wooden, UCLA basketball coach]
Isn’t that the truth?? God gives us opportunities to be prepared for, so that in the right time God can work through us. For instance, how can I be present with a friend if I am always scrabbling to get my work done? Or, how can I be generous with my money, if I haven’t saved a little first? God can use us in mighty ways if only we would spend some time laying the groundwork of preparation.
Proverbs 24:27 says, “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” (NIV)
We need to make sure we are doing things in the proper order in our life. Too many times we want the house without taking time to til the soil and plant. That’s not how things work. If you want God to use you in a certain way, there are things you need to be doing today to prepare for it.
So friends, get ready. Be faithful in the preparation and see how God will entrust you with the opportunities that God has planned for you.