God is...trustworthy!
As Christians, we put our trust in God’s unending, unconditional love. But some days are harder than others, and sometimes we need to be reminded of the Lord’s character. Over the next several weeks we are looking at the attributes of God. Last Sunday we looked at God is… trustworthy.
Most of us have lived long enough that as we reflect on our lives we can see that God has been faithful in the past. We know that God is with us now and faithful today. And throughout scripture we are promised that God will be faithful tomorrow.
We can also trust God because:
God is perfect in wisdom. God sees the big picture and knows every detail, so God has more wisdom than we do. When we trust God, God promises to make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
How often have we, from our limited perspective, taken action that’s equivalent to telling God, “I think You forgot something.” Only to discover that our solution was the wrong choice—all because we didn’t trust God’s infinite wisdom.
God is absolutely sovereign. We can’t see the future, but we can trust the One who is in control of everything. Jesus told His disciples that not even a sparrow would fall without God’s consent (Matt. 10:29). He also told Pilate, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:11). Even that prominent Roman official was powerless to order the crucifixion without the Father’s approval.
God has always been sovereign over all things—from a little bird’s safety to the extraordinary events at the cross.
In those difficult times that life often brings, remember to look back, look around and look to God’s Word. In doing so, may you remember that our God is faithful and trustworthy to deal with it all!