The little things
This past summer, my step mother was decluttering her home and found an old typewriter that belonged to her mother. I was so excited to take it off her hands. A real typewriter! You know, the ones with the ribbon and the return carriage? So fun! I hadn’t seen one in years!
Back in the day before typing with your thumbs on a handheld device was the norm, I was forced to take a high school typing class. Can you imagine? And, if memory serves, we didn’t even have letters on the keys on those teaching devices. We were expected to type without looking at the keys. But it is amazing how little things make a big difference.
I remember sitting at the typewriter for what seemed like an eternity doing this silly little thing, first with our right hand. We would type AQ, AW, AE, AR, AT. Then, SQ, SW, SE, SR, ST. Then, DQ, DW, DE, DR, DT. Then, FQ, FW, FE, FR, FT. We would switch hands and do a similar exercise with the right hand. We did this little thing, this silly exercise for weeks, NO, it went on for months.
And then one day the teacher said, “Today, you are going to type sentences.” I thought she was out of her mind. All I could type with any great certainty was FT or at least that is what I thought.
Then, I am not sure how it happened, but I started pecking on that typewriter and words began to form! I started typing quicker and sentences appeared. Then paragraphs. I was typing!
Those, silly little exercises, were not as silly or as little as I originally thought. They actually taught me discipline. They taught me the skill of touch typing. No hunt and peck for me.
So here’s the thing. God gives us little things to do everyday.
Little things like leading us to give an extra ten dollars to a missions offering. Little things like helping out a needy neighbour. Little things like giving someone an encouraging word.
We may not see them as significant, but please hear me when I tell you that God uses those little things of everyday life to impact people and further His Kingdom.
God can take that ten dollars and multiply it beyond your wildest imagination bringing hundreds to a saving knowledge of Christ. God can use your helping hands to draw people to our loving Saviour. God can use that encouraging word you made to change a person's entire life.
Never underestimate the big things God can do through you when you are faithful with the little things.