Born to serve
This week, Holy Week, we reflect on Jesus. His life, death and resurrection and what that means to you and me. As I have been taking my own time to reflect, this verse has repeatedly come to mind.
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, the Light of the World, the Vine, the Resurrection and the Life… came to serve.
One thing is clear, that the kingdom of God operates very differently from our world - the promises of heaven, the fullness and newness of life, healing and so much more. It seems to be completely opposite to the world we live in.
In the scripture found in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is taking the opportunity to teach about the Kingdom of God after a heated moment among the disciples. It seems that earlier in this chapter the mother of James and John wanted to make sure that her boys had the best seats in heaven.
She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”
LOL…I get it. As a mom, I want the very best for my kids. I want them on the top, in the front or at least on the list, right?
The disciples, however were none too pleased about this request. They were like, “Dudes, you sent your mom? Really?” Which led to a kind of uproar among them.
But Jesus knew what was at the heart of the matter, they didn’t understand how the Kingdom of God worked.
So he begins to break it down for them, leading to what he said in verse 28. It’s as if he is telling the disciples, I am not here to show you what it looks like to be at the top. I am here to show you what it is like to be in My Kingdom.
As a Son, Jesus understood the depth of God’s love but as a servant he understood the seriousness of God’s command.
This is what Jesus wanted us and the disciples to know, that the hierarchy of the kingdom looks nothing like our world. It is as much an honour and privilege to be a servant of God as it is to be a child of God. And, to serve God is to see the act of serving as one of the greatest honours on this side of heaven.
So, friends, today as we prepare for Good Friday, and the celebration of Easter, remember that Jesus was sent to give His life as a ransom— for you and me. Which means we have been set free of sin and shame. We are new in Jesus Christ… Hallelujah!! So, with that knowledge and gratitude let us continue to seek God first and serve God well!