Everything and all of it
Do you ever feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder? People are counting on you. You feel the weight of it and there is no one that can help? Well, at times like that I think we need a little reminder:
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it; - Psalm 241
These are the words of King David, and even as King he realizes that he is not in charge. God is the owner of everything. We live in God’s kingdom where God is on the throne.
David refers to God as “the Lord” and this word Lord can be translated as the self-existent one or the eternal one.
To be self-existent means that no one made God. God existed without us. God does not need us for existence or joy. And yet God created us out of the overflow of Their love. We exist because of God’s love. How comforting is that? To know that the eternal King of the universe made each of us…for love.
God has set His love on you. God has chosen you to be God’s forever. We belong to God according to this verse.
I will be honest the idea of being “owned’ ruffles my feathers. What if God turns out to be untrustworthy? Yet, that notion quickly passed when I saw that God has been consistently proven to be trustworthy in the pages of scripture .
When you read through the bible and you see the overall meta narrative, you will see a through line of God’s long suffering love and pursuit of his people despite their sin. God has set his heart on you. God loves you. Do you believe it?
If you don’t, make it your aim to get to know more about who God is. You can do that by reading through the bible and look for God’s character, personality what God love and what God hates.
What motivates God to do what God does? All that can be found in the pages of scripture.
Where do you mistrust God’s heart today?
Ask God to reveal who God is in the pages of God’s Word.
While Jesus death and resurrection is the most significant evidence of God’s love for you, God delights to show his love for you repeatedly in different ways.
I pray that God will do that for you today. I pray that you will see how God shows up for you today - God knows you, God sees you, God loves you. And in that, there is JOY!
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it; - Psalm 241
You are not alone. You never have been and you never will be.