Create in me
A few weeks back I had the privilege of speaking at a Women’s conference where the theme verse was, “Create in me a pure heart”. Such a great verse and one that I can certainly relate too.
King David of the Old Testament wrote that verse as part of a bigger prayer to God in Psalm 51. David is known as a man after God’s own heart but he is also known to have made some pretty terrible mistakes. Like when he had an affair with Bathsheba, and then attempted to conceal the secret by arranging the murder of her husband. Hmmm, sounds like a script for a movie, right? Yet, scripture tells us that David confessed his sin against the Lord (1 Samuel 12:13) and he prayed for mercy in Psalm 51. He cried out,
“Create in my a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (vs 10)
The word CREATE in the Hebrew is the same word that is used when God created the heavens and the earth — the sense of being created out of nothing. It is the work of God.
When David prays this prayer he realizes that there is nothing he can do on his own to make it right. He’s been in denial, he made excuses, he rationalized, he wanted this woman for himself and he did whatever it took. One thing compounded on the other and it was a horrible mess. I’ve been there, maybe not specifically this situation, but I have been in a place where I have done something terrible and cried out to God, for help and forgiveness.
Perhaps we’ve all been there at one time or another?
I think the hard part, even when we come and say “Lord, I am sorry”, is the reality that we may do it again. Right? Try as I might…how can I ever stay on the right track?
That’s where the second part of the prayer comes in. David says, RENEW a steadfast spirit within me. Inside of me…not externally, but internally.
He’s saying, God cleanse my heart from the things that separate me from YOU and grant me the strength to continue to live on the right path. Now that is a prayer I need to pray!
I believe that “sin” at its heart is always relational. It’s when we realize that we broke God’s heart, that we severed a relationship with God. When we come to God in that way, with that understanding, I believe 100% of the time God will, indeed, create in us a new heart and renew within us a steadfast spirit.
If you are looking for a second chance or craving a relationship with God, but not sure where to start, borrow the words of David.
Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.
When we seek God, we realize that God has already been seeking us!