God's love endures forever!
Last Sunday we were blessed to have The Chapaliers join us at Amberlea for a fun, unique outdoor worship service. It was wonderful and the weather was perfect.
The message, predominantly through song, pointed us to God’s enduring love.
As the children (and adults) were blowing bubbles through the service a beautiful perfect bubble floated my way. As I raised my hand to catch it, it popped. The perfect iridescent sphere gone in an instant.
But we are reminded…
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 110:5)
I love the Psalms…because the Psalms like no other book in the bible allow us to turn our emotions into prayers. The Psalms give words to feelings we sometimes don’t know how to express. But the Psalms also speak to our heart. It is so important to remind our heart who God is and what God has done. And that is what this verse does… it reminds us that the Lord is good.
So often in our world, people can’t agree on what is good and what is bad. It’s so important to remember that we don’t impose our view of goodness on God but we receive goodness from God because the Lord is Good.
That means that even when things are confusing, even when things are upsetting, even when we can’t understand why things are happening the way they are, we can trust God because God is good and goodness is part of God’s character.
But also, and this is what I was reminded of during our Sunday morning outside, that God’s love endures forever. God’s love looks different than it does in the world. It is not a passing emotion,
it doesn’t give up on people
it’s not here one day and gone the next
it doesn’t ebb and flow like the tide
God’s love endures forever and that means that even if we’ve messed up — maybe we’ve have let others down, or let God down or let ourselves down — we can know that God isn’t going to give up on us.
There may be many crisis’ in the world today but God is never going to give up. God’s love endures forever and not just this generation but for future generations. The Psalmist writes: his faithfulness continues through all generations.
As I write this, I have my little grand baby cradled in my lap. She is sleeping comfortably, so unaware of the craziness of this world. As I reflect on this scripture and look at this little life - I am filled with hope. Great hope. The world that this little one has been born into is still firmly in God’s control - God has not and will not give up on this world or on us - because the Lord is good and his love endures forever!