A lit path
Remember back in the day when you needed directions to a new place or were planning a route somewhere you would pull out a paper map? Or remember when you could buy a book of road maps for a particular area? We would leave our big book of maps for Toronto in the car so that we could pull over - flip the pages - and find out what side street to take?
Can you imagine? A paper map?
Today you pull out your phone and press the Google maps app and you can get a map of anywhere, literally anywhere in the world! Not only that it will talk you through the directions so you actually don’t ever have to read a map at all! I have become so dependent on Google maps for almost every excursion because it even warns me about slow downs on my regularly traveled roads and will suggest alternative routes.
Shouldn’t the Word of God be that way too?
The psalmist writes in Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
The Word of God is like a map. It guides and directs us on the right path we should take. The Word of God throws a light onto the path that we should travel and even warns us about the “slow downs” or difficulties ahead.
As dependent as I am on Google maps I need to be even more dependent on God’s word to know where God wants me to go and how to get there. I need only to pull out my phone, press the Bible app to get comfort, direction, guidance and constant reminders of God’s love for me in a dark world.
During the month of August I will be away on vacation. We have a great number of amazing speakers planned. As I step back for a few weeks my desire will be to spend time in God’s Word as I prepare for the fall at Amberlea because, I know and I believe that God’s word is a lamp for our feet and a light on our path. May your path be illuminated!
Happy August to you all!