Today is Halloween—a night filled with zombies, goblins, witches, and other spooky things. Honestly, I’ve never been a fan of Halloween. Sure, I enjoy the candy, especially those mini Caramilk bars! I used to make sure my kids' stash was safe by taste-testing the chocolate. It’s a real job! I was like a modern-day Nehemiah! But aside from that, Halloween feels a bit too dark for my taste. The verse that resonates with me during this time is:
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” (1 John 4:18).
Halloween is rooted in fear.
Did you know that Halloween originated as the festival of Samhain? This was part of the ancient Celtic religion in Britain and other parts of Europe, which believed that on one particular night at the end of summer, the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.
According to Halloween: An American Holiday, An American History, some Celts wore ghoulish costumes so wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Others offered sweets to appease the spirits.
In medieval Britain, supplicants moved door-to-door asking for food in exchange for prayers for the dead. They often carried “hollowed-out turnip lanterns, whose candle represented a soul trapped in purgatory” (Halloween — From Pagan Ritual to Party Night). Others suggest the lanterns were meant to ward off evil spirits. In the 1800s, pumpkins replaced turnips in North America, as they were easier to carve and more plentiful.
Halloween is rooted in fear.
But there is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear…
In 1 John, we learn that God’s perfect love drives out fear. When we are certain of God’s love, we don’t have to be afraid—not just at Halloween, but always! It’s as if God is the parent who comes in at night, tucks us in, turns on the nightlight, and reassures us that there are no monsters. In God’s great love, all fear melts away.
As we reflect on our fears, I pray you feel God’s protective and redemptive presence, just as He has been for those who have come before us—even in the face of death.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10).