Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody...

Do you have anyone in your life who hates asking for help? “I’m fine”, they say, or “I got this”.  Maybe that someone is you?

I think that for so many of us admitting vulnerablity seems like admitting defeat.  But I hope you know that if you are feeling weary, overwhelmed, or unsure of yourself there’s good news to cling to:  “Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 121:2 NIV).

Honestly I don’t think there is a single area of my life where I don’t need help from God.  Family, ministry, career, finances, relationships…every area of my life!  And I have unabashedly gone to God and do you know what God has done every single time? God has helped me.

God is a helper.

All we need to do is go back to the beginning in Genesis, starting with Adam, to know that God is a helper.  When God created the human race, God knew that Adam was missing something, God knew that Adam needed something. Adam needed a helpmate. So what that tells me is that my need for help does not make me inadequate, it makes me human.

Psalm 121 is called a Pilgrim Psalm.  This is what the pilgrims sang as they were journeying up to the temple for the annual feasts,

🎶 Help, I need somebody… Help, not just anybody” 🎶 Nope, sorry that was the Beatles!  LOL. The pilgrims sang:

🎶“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” 🎶 (Psalm 121:2)

They were aware of where their help came from (maybe the Beatles did too ;))

Sometimes we look to people for help and we end up completely discouraged  and disappointed because they can’t provide the help that we need. We need to go to where our help truly comes from first - the One who made heaven and earth.  There is no shame and no guilt in realizing that God is our helper.  But here’s the thing…God will provide the help that we need and God may use people, and God may use circumstances, and God may use a myriad of resources that God has to send that help to us but know and trust this: ultimately God will help us.

So if you, like me, need help in any or every area of your life - Go to God for the help that you need because God is ready and God is willing to help!