Community is a very important part of our lives. We live in a community, we grow up in a community, we socialize in our community and we count on people in our community.
Amberlea Church is part of the Amberlea community and we have relationships with many different people and organizations in our community. We come together to help each other in our community.
Our F.A.C.E group is an extension of this community. Although there are many “autism” communities (many being on-line), we are so blessed to have families that we support as part of our Amberlea community.
Many times families who support individuals with autism are fearful of their community. They feel that nobody understands what they are going through and they also may have reservations about being a part of regular activities in a community. Some are afraid to take their children out to public places, while others do this very little to avoid any negative reactions from people. To be honest, I was like this a very long time ago. As I look back now, I had so much stress about doing regular activities like sports or recreation groups, even church because of the way in which people would respond or look. I would often contemplate not going to a function because of this and there were many times when I didn’t.
I am happy to say that I haven’t felt this way in such a long time. Even back then, I did venture out into the community for many things. I had many positive encounters as well as many negative encounters with people. That never stopped me from wanting our kids to be part of their community.
Our family has come such a long way! Not because of our own doing, but because we had people who were willing to walk beside us and support us no matter what. I have had many pleasant conversations with people who don’t understand autism at all, but who have an open mind and are willing to help in whatever way possible. We also have God on our side helping us each step of the way.
Now I deal with people who are afraid to take their children out and I talk to them lovingly. I am always happy to reinforce what they are doing and I always point out to parents, positive things about their child. I have met some totally awesome people that I never would have met if autism had not come into our lives and for that I am truly grateful to call many of these people my friends.
F.A.C.E. is a part of the Amberlea Community and in extension Amberlea Church. I remember coming to Amberlea a long time ago and although they did not have all the answers about how to help us worship, they were willing to help and support our family. For that I will be forever and always grateful. I strive to pass this feeling onto others that I meet as well. I want all children to be included no matter what their situation may be.
We are all part of God’s “community”, which is the church and the people and the relationships that we have with each other.
“How pleasant is it when God’s people live together in unity.
There is a special kind of joy that we experience when we are together in unity
with other believers.” Psalm 133:1-3
Shelly Wedge
Exceptional Family Ministries Coordinator
Amberlea Church