...and it was magnificent!
We have been on a 40 Day Faith Journey here at Amberlea, discovering the "callings" God has on our life. So far we have discovered that we are: Called to be Loved, Called to Belong and Called to Become. This past Sunday we witnessed all three of these callings in action as Stephanie and Rocco, in faith, brought their sweet little boy to be baptized. Through baptism they said, "we want to make sure that our child understands that he is loved by God, and that he belongs to a loving community." Baptism means that they as parents, and we as the community, will join together to help this beautiful little boy learn to become more like Jesus. That’s what happened on Sunday morning and it was magnificent!
A life of faith begins with a single decision, a single step.
We hope you will join us this Sunday as we journey together looking at the fourth of five callings God has on our life. If you have ever wondered, "what on earth am I here for", you won't want to miss being with us on Sunday at 11 am.
This week may you recognize the many ways you have been blessed and may your response be to be a blessing to others.