Continue the journey


This week we conclude our 40 day faith journey as we look at the fifth calling God has on our lives:  we are Called to be Sent.

Journeys are funny things, aren’t they.  Some journeys have a finite end and other journeys go on and on and on.

For four days this past week, Brian and I, along with another clergy couple, went on a little journey.  A journey to witness together the Grand Canyon.  It has been on each of our "bucket lists" and this week the four of us stood in awe and wonder of this magnificent geological formation.  The landscape almost seemed alive as the colors of the rocks changed each time the sun would peak behind a cloud.  It was breathtaking. 

Before going, I was concerned we would be like the Flinstones and the Rubbles. Do you remember the episode of the four traveling to the Grand Canyon?  They arrived to a tiny little stream of water which they stepped over.  It was hilarious -- Fred and Barney scratching their heads wondering what all the commotion was about.  Well, we understood what all the commotion was about and we were not disappointed.

Our journey to the Grand Canyon did come to an end when we arrived home early this morning but our journey with this clergy couple continues.

Twenty eight years ago the four of us met in a small group.  We were all single at the time and we gathered weekly, not unlike the groups that have been meeting during our 40 day What on Earth Am I Here For faith journey.  We met to pray, study God’s word and support one another on our faith journeys.   And we have supported one another ever since -- through dating, weddings, births, raising children, career choices and career changes.   We’ve been together through great times and the most difficult times.  

Who would have thought our meeting all those years ago in a small group would completely change who we are?  

God did.  And we are so grateful.

I pray that as our 40 day faith journey formally concludes you would continue the journey.   Continue with your small group.  Or connect with that individual who just got you and ask them to partner with you in prayer.  Go ahead and create another small group and meet regularly.  Who knows the journey that you will begin together.

This truth I know:   We were not created to journey alone.  

I pray for you the experience that we had this week -- to stand with people you trust the most, people who inspire and encourage you to be the best you can be; people who hold you accountable in love, for your sake.  I pray that together you can stand and witness the awesome.

Join us on Sunday for a special time of worship.  I look forward to worshipping with you!