Are you going home?
This week the world lost a beautiful soul. As I gathered with the family - we hugged one another and reaffirmed to one another that, yes, this dear woman is in a better place. She is home. The words rolled of the tongue so easily and yet I wonder… do we really think about it. Do we wonder where we go when we die? “Are you going home?”
We know that there are certain realities in life – death and taxes. H&R Block or a good accountant can deal with the taxes but how do we prepare for eternity?
How do we know we are “going home?”
Perhaps the answer to the question is not as complicated as we might think.
If I know and believe that Jesus came for me, died for me, and in His unconditional love took my sin upon Himself for me … if I truly believe this … am I not preparing for eternity?
If I believe that Jesus has made me clean, taken away the guilt and made me a new person in Christ, am I not preparing for eternity?
If the guiding principal in my life is to love God with all my heart and all my soul and all my might and if I love the people He has created…am I not preparing for eternity? In the end am I not going home?
And if I believe that God’s love has been extended to me then what Paul wrote in Romans 8 is true, that:
… neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8: 38-39)
The most remarkable thing is that this love that God has extended to each of us was present long before you and I even knew that God existed.
This amazing, loving and generous God knew you before you were even formed. I love Psalm 139. Check it out, particularly verses 13-16.
Can you imagine? That God loved you before you even existed.
As you may know I am, among other things, a certified Lamaze Instructor. For 15 years I worked in the hospital setting and privately, teaching mommies- and daddies-to-be what to expect during labour, delivery and post-partum. I am working on my Doctorate in the the area of pregnancy and spirituality.
I loved teaching prenatal classes. And as I would talk about the birthing process, I couldn't help but share how magnificent a process it is – how intricate and how utterly remarkable is the birth of a child. I probably said a few things that I shouldn’t have in today’s secular, pluralistic society, but I did. I would say, “no man could have created such an amazing system, it could only be the hand of a higher power, it could only be designed by GOD!” (Yup, I said it, and in those 15 years I didn’t have one complaint. Maybe the statement is just that obvious.)
I would ask the moms-to-be if they ever consciously thought about the cells within their womb, and with their mind “will” them to divide. Or do they stop and somehow consciously create the limbs, the hair, the tiny little toes. Of course not. This baby, this tiny little life, is being formed within her in a process that is nothing short of miraculous! And this tiny little one is loved by God!
You are loved by God. God knew you even then, in the womb!
So, back to the question…Are you going home?
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2
Join us this Sunday as we continue our series called: Virtues for Life. This week you gotta see what we have in store, SO COME, bring a friend and expect God to do something amazing!