Would you bite off your toe?
It’s a brand new year. A new year full of endless possibilities. It can be so exciting. And I am so excited about the series that we will begin together called: Virtues for Life.
We will be talking about virtues that we don’t see, in our culture, as much anymore. Virtues like gratitude, loyalty, integrity, purity…sure it’s out there but when we watch the news or our favourite television program or glance at the tabloid papers at the check out line at the grocery store, we may be hard pressed to find them.
This week we are going to look at the virtue of honour.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.
—Romans 12:10
In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul is writing to the Christians in Rome and he is reminding them (and us) that we belong to one another. We are knit together by the Holy spirit to be the body of Christ.
Does it make sense for one part of the body to hurt another? Would you intentionally bite off your toe (yick), or poke your eye, or intentionally break a rib? I would think not!
Being devoted to and honouring one another should be as obvious as caring for our own body. If you sprained your ankle, wouldn’t you wrap it up; ice it, and rest it for a few days? In the same way, if someone is hurting or angry, shouldn’t we take time to listen and even give up our own agenda to show we care?
Our culture says we should only honour those who earn the privilege. But God calls us to honour others ahead of ourselves.
Our greatest example is Jesus. Jesus, not clinging to his honour as God, emptied himself to the point of death on the cross ( Philippians 2:5-8). And, don’t miss this… he did it for you and he did it for me. He did it for each one of us.
What other response can we have but to devote ourselves to Christ’s body.
Honour one another.
Join us this week as we begin a five week series called Virtues for life. Together we will uncover some virtues that seem to be hidden in our culture today.
Come, bring a friend and let’s discover all that God has in store for us!